Monday, October 18, 2010

A Day At Dobbins With Poppins :)

I am pleased to announce my first guest post: written by CR's father, a.k.a. Poppins.

CR2 and Poppins had a boys day out on Friday and I asked Poppins to write about their first special outing together. CR2 and Poppins share such a special bond and are such a cute pair!


Friday, October 15th was my first outing alone with CR2, and knowing his love for airplanes, we went to the Wings Over Atlanta Air Show - 2010.

Up until this day, the only airplanes CR2 ever saw (and pointed at) were 6000' in the sky. Fasten your seat belts, sit back and enjoy...

Friday's air show was a day set-aside for special guests, including military (active duty and retired) and there were only about 3,000 people there (as apposed to over 100K people during the weekend shows). We arrived at Dobbins Air Reserve Base in Marietta in the mid-morning, and as we passed-through the magnetometer, it didn't take him long to figure-out, this was cool!

The first aircraft we saw was an Air Force C-5 cargo plane. The front and back were opened, which allowed us to walk right through it. Other air crafts we could walk right up to were YF-22 (guarded by armed Security Police), B-25, F-18, C-130, C-17 and others. What was also really cool about this day, was the air base had not yet put-up all the barriers, so you could essentially walk right out on the runway.

The first to perform were the Canadian Snowbirds, then we saw an F-18 do a screaming pass-over at about 20' at a speed just under mock-1. Next we saw a couple bi-planes perform and later the Blue Angels.

CR2 had a BLAST!!! He spent about 20% of the time in his stroller, but really wanted to just walk around and point at airplanes and give me that "CR2 expression" he is so famous for when he's excited about something. At lunch time, we sat on the tarmac and ate because he wouldn't keep still in the stroller because the airplanes kept passing overhead. After lunch, we toured all the planes again and I'd explain to him what each aircraft was for and I could tell by his facial expressions and his focused thought, he knew exactly what Poppins was saying.

I'm also certain now he knows really how big airplanes are and that they are not just some little thing in the sky the size of a bird.
When it was time to leave, and after I put CR2 in his car seat and packed everything back in the car to head home, I looked around at him in the back seat and asked, "CR2, did you have a good time?" His smile said it all. By the time I exited the base through the main gate, I looked around and he was sound asleep, dreaming of being a fighter pilot.

Our next trip I'm thinking either the Colorado River or skydiving.


Thank you Poppins for such a sweet post!!! You absolutely made CR2's day! CR and I are so appreciative of the time you spend and special moments you provide our child with. He is such a lucky boy!

Love to you all!

JP (and Poppins)

1 comment:

  1. We heard the jets over our house all day sat and sun! We live so close to dobbins I guess. We would run outside and watch every time they flew over. So cool!
