Wednesday, October 28, 2009

CR Sing Alongs :)

Growing up I remember having a number of sing along videos. My favorite was "Sing Along with Uncle Remus"! haha This video featured such classics as "Blue Bird On My Shoulder" and "Always Let Your Concience Be Your Guide".

Lately I feel as if I have a constant live performance of sing alongs right at home. CR is quite hillarious with all of his little dittys, and CR2 enjoys every second. We have songs for just about every task during the day.

For example, When CR changes CR2's diapers he sings the following to the tune of "She'll Be Coming Round The Mountain":

Clean the pee pee off the pee pee (CR2) man
Clean the pee pee off the pee pee (CR2) man
Clean the pee pee off the pee pee
Clean the pee pee off the pee pee
Clean the pee pee of the pee pee (CR2) man

And when CR2 is having tummy issues (this happens quite often) we hear the following to the tune of "Now Walk It Out", a popular rap jingle:

"Now poop it out, poop it out, now poop it out......." over and over!

CR believes that this song aids in relieving constipation.

When Poppins (CR's dad) comes over we really hear some fun ones. I feel that some of the lyrics are too explicit, and these jingles will have to come to a hault real soon. hahah!

Watching a father with his newborn is a beautiful thing. CR2 has definitely made CR turn to mush! What a pair!

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