Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Back To The Belly: Post # 2

My next entry comes from the first few emails that were sent out to family and friends. During my pregnancy we would send out a weekly email with pictures to keep everyone updated on baby Charlie's progress. It is so fun to re-read these emails...there are so many things that I had forgotten! (am I turning into my mother??? Where is my brain?)

I do not plan on posting every email...just pregnancy milestones and the funny ones. Enjoy!

Saturday, February 21, 2009 at 7:17pm

Hello Everyone,

Charles and I have decided it is time to start taking pictures of the belly; reason being...I can no longer button my dadjim jeans!!! We were 14 weeks on Monday, and will go in for a check up and blood work results on Wednesday. Pray that everything turns out peachy! Love you all and enjoy the pictures (I look like a doof, but whats new).


Jessi, Charles and The Bump

14 Week Pregnant

Sunday, March 15, 2009 at 2:47pm

Hey Everyone,

Well I missed week 16 due to our ski trip to Colorado, so I thought it was about time to upload some new photos. Our trip was great, except for the altitude! We stayed at 13,000 feet the first three nights. Talk about shortness of breath and gas! haha! I enjoyed shopping, mani pedis, and a very nice massage throughout the trip while everyone else hit the slopes.

Charles and I have now successfully cleaned out every closet in our house, broken down the guest bed, and taken a massive load of stuff to goodwill. We accomplished all of this over an 8 hour span yesterday. I am beat! All we need to do now is pick up the baby furniture from my boss. Feels good to have the cleaning part over with!

Herman and I have also started to experience Acid Indigestion {I did not remember naming my belly Herman}. I really thought something was wrong last night. My neighbor saved the day with a bottle of Tums and a ginger ale. She also told me to "toot it out"! hahaha! Who says toot, just say fart. I am so proper, this kid has no hope!

Hope you are all doing well! Enjoy the pictures, no major changes but I can tell a difference.


Jessi, Charles, and Herman the hump

17 Week Pregnant

More email memories to come tomorrow! Thanks for putting up with my sentimental ramblings!

Poppins, CR, Charlie and I will be heading to the "Baves" (Braves) game tonight! Charlie has been warming his tomahawk chop up all morning!

Love to you all!


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